Want to know how I make Astrid's armor, skulls, & axe? Or how I texturize her armor & axe, & how I paint them to look like metal?
I will be doing tutorials on a lot of my bigger prop work, as well as various accompanying accessories, starting this month out.
The tutorials will be going over the exact materials & methods I use, videos showing the process, alternate methods, options for saving on costs, & will also include templates.
I'm doing monthly subscriptions on here that will give access to all of this, & will also include a monthly giveaway, & a monthly live Q&A.
Each month will be a different project - this month's project will be Astrid, going over how I make her armor (with templates), how to create your own template, a couple methods on how to make her skulls & spikes, & lastly, how to make her awesome axe!
I will as well include some of these tutorials as one-off tutorials that you can buy on my Etsy, but the monthly subscriptions will include material that won't be available elsewhere (for example how I make the skulls & spikes), & you'll be getting more for your money.
I'll be announcing some of the other upcoming projects this next week as well.
Even if you don't plan on making these specific characters, the information in these will be useful to a variety of characters. The methods I use for her armor can be used for many other characters' armor, & her axe for axe props in general.