SIE profile
Hello, I am an Artist that goes by the name of SIE online. I will make tons of things!

Планы подписки

USD в месяц
Chibi Bo-Bo With a Dollar

Reoccurring Donation. No additional benefits besides a monetary pledge. Any financial support helps greatly, thank you very much!

0 подписчиков
USD в месяц
Chibi Bo-Bo With Five Dollars

This Tier grants you access to a simple archive of the behind-the-scenes content and stuff for my various creations and projects both old and new.

0 подписчиков
USD в месяц
Cool Bo-Bo

Cool Bo-Bo gets two things!

1- As with the $5 tier, Access to the basic development archive.

2- Your name listed in the credits section for all my projects throughout the duration of Your pledge, big and small.

0 подписчиков
USD в месяц
Queen Bo-Bo!

Queen Bo-Bo gets two things!

1- In-depth and complete access to behind the scenes content for creations and related things in an extensive and ever-growing archive.

2- Your name listed in the credits section for all my projects throughout the duration of Your pledge, big and small.

0 подписчиков
Six pillars (Things I will do/create) of my Subscribestar (in no particular order).
1. Game Creation
2. Art
3. Writing
4. Talking Video and Narrative video creation
5. Streaming (Creative Process and Games)
6. Music Creation

Everything and anything to be decided with that which I am currently working on (11/3/2023)


  • I'll create a large variety of works. Ranging from Games, to Art, Writing, Videos and much more!
  • Everything and Anything.


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Пост заблокирован прайс-планом $1 .
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2 поста


до достижения
этой Цели
When I reach this goal, I will purchase a software license for paint tool SAI 2 which will allow me to continue to improve my work.
до достижения
этой Цели
When I reach $60, I will purchase new art software and / or new art tools, for Digital and Physical art. Such as an upgrade for Clip Studio Paint or A New Hard drive for storage (just to name a few things)
до достижения
этой Цели
When I reach $100, I will purchase a drawing tablet upgrade as I think that could be very beneficial to my art.
до достижения
этой Цели
I will create a short (an hour or two long) game related to (or a spinoff of) something I have already created ( you all will be able to vote on what exactly that is from a number of Ideas I will have for a poll)
до достижения
этой Цели
Some sort of epic comic, not sure what, but it'll be a sizable amount of pages - The subject of which to be decided by a vote.
$0.00 of $1,000
per month
Something Massive, not sure what, but I'll come up with something either a game, animation, drawing (leaning towards game or animation) that celebrates this momentous occasion. thank you all!
$0.00 of $2,000
per month
Another Crazy big milestone, some sort of game will mark this occasion, not sure what, but it'll be what I work on when I get to here.

Другие Звёзды

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