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Thank you for your love & support. Receive access to last 3-5 posts as a token of gratitude.
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Become a supporting member of the Bear Tribe.
Bonus: Access to live Youtube zoom pre-party & after-party Bonus #2: Monthly Numerology Report (Coming Soon) Bonus #3: Autographed Copy Of "Messages From The Other Side". (After 90 days in Bear Tribe)
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Howl at the moon as a part of the Wolf Pack.
Bonus: Access to the monthly Q & A Gallery Reading
Bonus #2: Monthly Full Moon Healing/Prayer List
Access most recent posts
Access to video replay links
Access to live Youtube zoom pre-party & after-party
Monthly Numerology Report (Coming Soon)
Autographed Copy of "Messages From The Other Side" (After 60 days in the Wolf Pack)
Bonus: Access to monthly guided meditation
Bonus #2: Monthly Full Moon/New Moon Healing/Prayer ListCeremony Manifest Prayer List
Bonus #3: Specially charged Amethyst Crystal (After 60 Days in the club)
Bonus #4: Special discounts & specials on private sessions
Bonus #5: Special 10% discount at
Access most recent posts
Access to video replay links
Access to live Youtube zoom pre-party & after-party
Monthly Numerology Report (Coming Soon)
Autographed Copy of "Messages From The Other Side" (After 60 days in the Wolf Pack)
Access to the monthly Q & A Gallery Reading
Autographed Copy of "Messages From The Other Side" (After 60 days in the Wolf Pack)
Enter the Magical Realm.
Bonus: Step into the magic of Master-Ceremony© attending one monthly New Moon or Full Moon Virtual Ceremonies.
Bonus #2: Private personal 1 on 1 - 30 minute life reading 3 times a year (very 4 months)
Access most recent posts
Access to video replay links
Access to live Youtube zoom pre-party & after-party
Monthly Numerology Report (Coming Soon)
Access to the monthly Q & A Gallery Reading
Autographed Copy of "Messages From The Other Side" (After 60 days in the Wolf Pack)
Access to monthly guided meditation
New Moon Ceremony Manifest Prayer List
Specially Charged Amethyst Crystal For Opening Intuition (After 60 Days in the club)
Special discounts & specials on private sessions (Active after 14 days)
You are a wise soul & your benefits go beyond the Magical Realm
Bonus: Exclusive monthly life reading virtual group session where you will receive a mini reading based upon one specific question.
Bonus #2: Attend both the New & Full moon Master-Ceremony© Events.
Bonus #3: Private Personal 1 on 1 Virtual 30 Minute Life Reading 4 Times Yearly. (Every 3 Months)
Bonus #4:: $25 Off Sessions For Family Members
Step into the magic of Master-Ceremony© attending one monthly New Moon or Full Moon Virtual Ceremonies.\i
Access most recent posts
Access to video replay links
Access to live Youtube zoom pre-party & after-party
Monthly Numerology Report (Coming Soon)
Access to the monthly Q & A Gallery Reading
Autographed Copy of "Messages From The Other Side" (After 60 days in the Wolf Pack)
Monthly Full Moon Healing/Prayer List
Access to monthly guided meditation
New Moon Ceremony Manifest Prayer List
Specially Charged Amethyst Crystal For Opening Intuition (After 60 Days in the club)
Special 15% discount at