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Survive the Jive
Survive the Jive
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Survive the Jive

The origin of the Megalithic culture

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Survive the Jive
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SUN CULT in a Nordic Bronze-Age Tomb at Kivik, Sweden

The rock art from the tomb of Bredarör at Kivik in Sweden is a window into the forgotten world of the Nordic Bronze Age. In this film I interpret all the esoteric imagery, including; sun-wheels, solar crosses, war chariots, armed warriors and ritual axes and boats. With the latest archaeological data, 3D scans and new CGI animations of the art, this film gives a new perspective on a tomb which is 3400 years old!

featuring amazing CGI animations by Robert Molyneaux
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Survive the Jive
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Ship of the Sun or Ship of the Dead? Stone Ships

Stone ship settings or Skeppssättning are amongst the most remarkable Viking age monuments in Scandinavia, but what were they for? They were built over a period of 2000 years from the Nordic bronze age until the end of the Viking age, mainly in grave fields but they weren’t just associated with burials and cremations as they were also used for a kind of meeting called a ‘Thing’. This video explains how the stone ships may relate first to a Bronze age cult of the sun in Gotland, and later to a Viking belief that the dead would need a vehicle for a journey to and from the underworld. The stone ship settings included in this film are Tjelvars grave in Gotland, Anundshög in Västmanland, Åsa domaresäte in Södermanland, Ängakåsen and Ale’s stones in Scania and the Jelling stone ship in Denmark.
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Survive the Jive
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Anglo-Saxons and Englishness

My recent talk at the Traditional Britain Group in London was a survey of how Anglo-Saxons have been invoked as part of Englishness over the centuries
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Survive the Jive
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Interviewed by Dr Ed Dutton

I last spoke to Ed in June last year when he was a guest on my channel. Now I am returning the favour in this live stream, in which I mainly answer questions about paganism. A fun chat!
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