Survive the Jive profile
Survive the Jive
Survive the Jive
I need your help! I have made informative videos about history, paganism and traditional cultures from around the world for years. My channel depends on patrons to continue. As a patron, you get merch discounts and access to exclusive content! Do your bit to support unbiased European history broadcasting.

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You are really making a difference and helping me to keep doing this and spreading valuable information about the gods, and religions of pre-Christian Europe

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If there were more people like you then the world would be a better place

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You are a king; a ring breaker showering gold on a grateful subject. I will talk to you via an online call as often as once a month to answer whatever questions I can.

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Survive the Jive
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DEBUNKED: Black plague victims

forgot to post this video here 2 weeks ago. Hopefully you all caught it.
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