Tales of Eon profile
Tales of Eon
Tales of Eon
The Tales of Eon is a series of fantasy short stories, with some interconnected big events throughout, that take place over thousands of years.
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You will gain access to all written short stories in the TOE series, however the versions with artwork and audiobook are not available on this tier.

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The Knight Club grants you access to all written short stories in TOE and also gives you access to the images and artwork for each story as well. The audiobook version is not included with the this tier.

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Kings Club

All is open to you! With the Kings Club you gain access to all writen short stories in TOE, all artwork and images for those stories, and the audiobook version.

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  • The story of Tales of Eon is divided into Eras, each age takes place over hundreds of years and is made up of many generations. Through these eras you will be taken on a journey through stories, stories of many people, from royals to peasants with a wide selection of themes from adventure, to slice of life, to horror, to epics. The Tales of Eon strives to hold a high standard for epic fantasy stories with its engaging tales and a deep reverence for chivalrous lessons of the past, if that is something that strikes you, then please, give us your eyes, ears and coin and enter a world that is truly unlike any other.
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Tales of Eon
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The Canyon awaits you. New Free Sample!

Now you can read Ierlyn and the Canyon of Thorns for free! You can read the first eight pages by clicking the link below! 👇 Read, enjoy, then be sure to come back for the full version!
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