The Chill Gamer profile
The Chill Gamer
The Chill Gamer
Video Gamer
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USD mensal

Hailstones get access to the public vanilla and two vanilla Hailstone servers. One running the latest and greatest, the other running a stable vanilla version. There is also a special role in Discord. MC servers available once we reach 10 concurrent subscribers at or above this tier.

5 days
0 assinantes Hailstones ; Foot Soldiers
USD mensal
Ice Cubes

Once we reach 10 or more concurrent subscribers at or above this tier there will be 3 modded servers (two of which Icecubes can be on concurrently) and a special Discord role. One will be the latest version of Chill Pack and the other will be one of two of the six-month rotation modpacks chosen based on Icecube feedback.

0 assinantes Ice Cubes ; Hailstones ; Foot Soldiers
USD mensal

Glacier get all of the prior-tier benefits plus access to all three Modded Star modded servers and a special, long-term modded server of their own, and a private chat available to only them and my VIPs

0 assinantes Glaciers ; Ice Cubes ; Hailstones ; Foot Soldiers
USD mensal
Glaciers 2

Glaciers 2

1 assinante Glaciers ; Ice Cubes ; Hailstones ; Foot Soldiers

Bem vinda

  • Special Tiered Rewards
  • Special Discord Roles
  • Exclusive Premier Access to Non-Stream Content as available

The Chill Gamer

No More Twitch StreamsHowever that doesn't mean no more streams. I'm streaming to Guilded and Kic...

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A subscrição dá-lhe:
  • Acesso ao conteúdo do perfil da Star.
  • Capacidade de apoiar sua Estrela contribuindo - uma vez ou de forma recorrente.
  • Significa entrar em contato com a Estrela diretamente por meio do Instant Messenger.
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