The Scoundrel's Cantina profile
The Scoundrel's Cantina
The Scoundrel's Cantina
Hello, We Are The Scoundrel's Cantina And We Create Short Fan Films From Star Wars Comics & SW LEGO & Lore Videos!

Subscription Tiers

per month
A Surprise To Be Sure

You will have access to almost everything we ever post on Patreon like audio files of future lore videos as well as machinima scenes that we make for our fan films. You will also get to see very early rough cuts of those fan films weeks or even months before they are done (if you want to be spoiled).

0 subscribers
per month
Just A Simple Man

You will get everything that the first tier has as well as Community post shoutouts of your name as well as becoming a livestream moderator on our YouTube channel. You will also have access to our discord server and be able to message us directly. All of our Star Wars (& Other Content) AI Upscaled Cinematics will be available to your without watermarks.

0 subscribers
per month
Another Happy Landing

Here you will get everything from the previous tiers as well as early access to both videos, audio files of lore videos, machinimas and scenes for future fan films that we'll be making. In this tier you will be also get 1 Upscaled video of your choice per month ranging from 0 to 3 minutes which will be sent to you directly.

0 subscribers
per month
I Have The High Ground

You will receive everything from all the previous tiers. Also you will be able to have a monthly discord chat with us personally. You will also be getting 1 AI Upscaled video of your choice per month ranging from 3 to 6 minutes which would be sent to your directly. Overall, this tier will allow us to make more fan films without the presure of needing to find a job apart from YouTube.

0 subscribers
per month
The Chosen One

You will receive everything from all the other tiers & so far we have yet to think of what else we can give in return. When we make our merch it will surely be in this tier. This one is still a work in progress for now, but whoever is so generous has no idea how much they helped us survive and keep on doing what we love. Thank you!

0 subscribers


  • Upon subscription you will have access to our longest and best Lore & Lego videos from both Star Wars and the Warcraft Universe, while the rest of our content will be for free :) We thank you in advance for helping us continue to make a living from the things we love to do, as YouTube isn't safe for us anymore.
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The Scoundrel's Cantina
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9 posts


We have a YouTube channel where we upload this stuff although YT has become a very unsafe platform where free speech doesn't exist. When our channel eventually gets shut down we want to have a backup plan and this is one of them. We would love to continue our dream job if possible here so whatever you give us will greatly help out in making for both fun content and some important serious stuff to inform you of the dangerous world we live in. Like we said YouTube doesn't allow free speech that doesn't align with leftist ideologies. Thank You!
to reach
the Goal
If we are ever able to reach this ammount of earnings per month, we can finally do what we love full time and every single day as a regular job. This would mean much more content on our channel then we usually do. Keep in mind there are two of us and we both take care of our own families, so this would be just about enough to keep it all going. Thanks for helping us achieve this goal, God bless you!

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