Vintron profile
Sci-fi furry artwork.
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Can-Class Shuttle Operator

Budget shuttle. Limited spaceflight capability, keeps the atmosphere inside. Basic support tier, thank you for enjoying and supporting my art <3 Grants access to the discord.

0 subscribers SubscribeStar $3.00 tier
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Brawler-Style Destroyer Captain

Station-based defensive ship. Small, low range, lots of teeth.

All previous rewards. Access to early art posts. Access to unposted WIP sketches, unfinished doodles, and the ravings of an insane dragon. (discord cannels)

0 subscribers SubscribeStar $5.00 tier
per month
FTL Line Cruiser Admiral

Ship of the line cruiser, designed for deep space patrols.

Access to all previous tier rewards. Monthly doodle! You get QTY1 part from me per month!! Scope and detail will vary by my available time, it could be a colored/ shaded piece or a quick messy sketch.

0 subscribers SubscribeStar $10.00 tier

Im not sure if I set up everything correctly, so let me know if you subscribe and dont get an aut...

Posted for $3, $5, $10 tiers
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Public post
Hi everyone! I plan to use this page for all my general or project artwork. 18+ tag is for potential mature themes such as violence, or other high stress situations typical of science fiction. Hope you enjoy!

Have a doodle of Dila, one of the characters in the story I am writing. 
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