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Ser Aylin - version 2.0

A reimagining of Aylin from Baldur's Gate 3.  This gives you a fully immersive male version of Dame Aylin. Portraits, subtitles, voice and how other characters respond to this Ser Aylin have been altered to match.

Version 2.0 -What's New?
  1. Bug fixes & new patch compatibility: Honor Mode specific text no longer says "Not Found".
  2. Ser Aylin's helmet hair: When wearing his helmet he has the same wavy hair as he does without it.
  3. Masculine Armor: For those looking to rid him of his "booby" armor, there is now an addon to make his armor more manly.

Existing Features
Fully Voiced
Over 700 voice lines belonging to Aylin have been altered with the help of AI, this includes the elusive battle SFX as well!
Over 150 PC/NPC voice lines that mention her in conversation have been altered to match!

A little more polite
Aylin no longer tells you to 'Begone!' from your own camp.

Seamless Cinematics
  • His clothing and armour were carefully altered to ensure that they correctly animate during his transformation!
  • Interaction with other characters, kisses and hugs have been adjusted to suit his male body!

Immersive Appearance & portrait
  • Ser Aylin has a different appearance to match his century of imprisonment
  • The crack on his face is retained from his original version.
  • Optional mod allows you to give him a permanent beard.
  • Battle and regular portraits have been altered to match Ser Aylin's.

Immersive Subtitles and flavour text
All text and subtitles that I could find related to Ser Aylin has been changed to match.

Visuals/Voice mix & match
This mod allows you to not ONLY make Ser Aylin. But by using only the Voice, or only the Visual swap you can create a trans male and trans female Aylin.

  • Drop the mods onto BG3 Mod Manager
  • Move everything to the left.
  • Leave the Voice mod in the bottom 'override' section.

If you wish to use SerAylinBeard, place it below the Visuals mod in the load order. (Visuals and Voice paks are mandatory whether you add beard or not)

Export load order & Enjoy!

메이웰 - maywell : For his Voice AI tutorial and bg3-ai-voicetoolkit
Padme5000 - as always for her fantastic tutorials and templates
Ethan Reid & Helen Keiley for their amazing voice acting!
Anons - Thank you for your help in editing the NPC voice lines!
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