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Yukito's Corner
Yukito's Corner
I'm a hobbyist writer who wants to grow an audience. I write lots of stories, and all of the premium ones will be here.

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Yukito's Corner
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01. A Very Sweet Nightmare

It was a sunny afternoon at the Blake manor. Rafael was out for a business meeting regarding his e-sports organization, and Felipe was out with his friends.
At home, were only Beatriz, mother of Felipe and Bianca and wife to Rafael, and the youngest child, Bianca.
The younger Blake child was searching for something to do, while her mother was doing the usual house chores. She had dark long hair, green eyes and a beautiful body, with 35C breasts, and was dressing her usual pink soft shirt with shoulder-length sleeves and a white pair of shorts.
The manor was quite big, had two floors, a big living room and four bedrooms, with one converted by Rafael into an office.
"Bianca?", called the young mother to her daughter.
"Yes, mom?", answered Bianca to her mom's call.
"Heard that a new confectionery opened a few streets away! Why don't you check it out? Maybe there is something you like there!", suggested Bia.
"Good idea, mom! I'll get some money to buy something there!", replied the young girl, going to her bedroom.
Then, Beatriz saw her daughter going to the gate. "Don't forget to bring something for me!", requested Bia, while yelling to her daughter.
"Sure, mom!", replied Bianca, in a yell, before opening the gate and leaving.
"Hm, I think that will be good for her. After all, a sweet is always good.", thought Beatriz, while hooking up some clothes to dry.
With Bianca, she went down the street from the manor, all the way to the guardpost and out of the residential complex they lived in.
A few minutes of walking were enough for the girl to find the confectionery her mother was talking about.
"Hm, Sweet Dreams? What a nice name.", thought the girl, seeing the name of the confectionery.
She then decided to go in.
Lots of different sweets like ice cream, cakes and other kinds of candies were displayed on the wall. There were some tables made of glass, they looked like ice cream parlor tables, along with plastic chairs.
"Hello! Welcome to Sweet Dreams!", said a woman behind a counter. "How may I help you?", she asked. The woman had a dark, long hair, brown eyes and was dressing a quite dark attire for that place. Over her clothing, she had a confectionery dress with the location name.
"Oh, hello! Are you the owner of this place?", questioned the girl.
"Yes! I am! So, what would you want today?", asked the woman, politely to her new client.
"Oh, I would like some ice cream to start! Chocolate, please!", requested Bianca.
"Coming right up!", said the woman, preparing the girl's ice cream.
Five minutes later, the ice cream was ready, and the woman took it to Bianca.
"Here is your ice cream! Please enjoy!", said the confectioner, putting the ice cream on the table and going back to the counter.
More minutes passed.
"Hm, whoa! This is really nice!", commented Bianca, quite loudly.
"I'm glad you're enjoying it, sweetie!", replied the woman.
Finishing her ice cream, Bianca requested a cake slice next and received it on her table.
Midway through her cake, Bianca started to feel dizzy. "Miss, I don't feel so well! What is in this cake?", asked the girl, in a slurred speech.
"Oh, in that? Just a special ingredient for you! Don't worry, this effect will go away soon! Just continue eating!", replied the woman.
The young Blake gave the cake another bite, and soon, she passed out on the table.
"Good girl...", said the woman, taking Bianca on her arms from the table and going to the back with the asleep girl.
In the back, she put the girl facing down on another table and pulled her arms on her back.
The woman then wrapped tape on both the girl's wrists and ankles, and also put a piece on her mouth.
With her asleep client properly bound and gagged, she learned the identity of her client and sent a message to her mother, regarding a debt the girl had with her and took Bianca to a SUV, driving off with the girl in the back of the car.
Back in the Blakes manor, at the evening, Beatriz saw that her daughter wasn't home yet. "Damn, where is she? Why isn't she home yet?", the young wife asked herself.
Seconds after asking, her phone rang with a message. The message was from someone Beatriz didn't knew. It said that the person had Bianca as captive due to debt and if Beatriz paid it, the young daughter would be set free. It was setting up a meeting in the creditor's house, so that the debt could be paid.
"Oh, geez. Guess I need to go there.", she thought, reading the message.
Beatriz got everything she needed, locked the house and went out.
She walked for a bit and ended up at a manor. The manor was about four miles away from the Blake home.
After arriving at the manor, the young Blake mother rang the doorbell. Within a few minutes, the door opened, revealing a woman with a dark and long hair.
"Hello? How may I help you?", asked the woman.
"Oh, hi! I'm Beatriz and received a message to come here!", replied Bia.
"Oh, I remember! Please come in!", said the woman, letting Beatriz walk into her home.
Bia walked into the manor and the woman asked her to sit down on a living room chair.
The woman sat on the other chair and offered milk to the young mother, who accepted some.
"So, you're Beatriz! Am I right?", asked the woman.
"Yeah, and you are?", Beatriz replied.
"Name is Larissa! Larissa Bloodworth!", replied the homeowner
"Whoa, nice milk! Where is it from?", asked the Blake mother.
"Oh, it's a different kind of milk I get in a milking procedure! Want to see it?", offered the homeowner.
"Sure! It would be great!" , replied Beatriz.
"Bring it!!!", yelled Larissa, after getting Beatriz' reply.
After the woman's yell, a cage came into the room, being pushed by a girl with a dark and long hair. That girl was Meghan, Larissa's daughter.
"WHAT???", yelled Beatriz, after she saw the caged bird.
The one inside the cage was Bianca. The younger Blake sibling had hoses with suction cups stuck to her breasts, her arms were bound in chains to her back and her legs were also chained to the cage.
"Hmmmph...", moaned Bianca, as she saw her mother.
"So, did you like the milk?", asked the homeowner, after Beatriz saw the milk's origin.
"Let my daughter go, now!!!", yelled the young mother.
"Pay what she owes me and I'll let her go!", barked Larissa.
Beatriz thought that, to be safe, she had to throw the money briefcase she brought, and tried to slide it through the floor.
"Nope! Don't try it! Bring it to me and I'll order my daughter to release your poor Bianca!", ordered Larissa.
As soon as the young mother was close to the woman, something caught her. A kind of slime caught Beatriz offguard and wrapped the young mother in a thick membrane.
"You fell right into my trap, Beatriz! Now I have the owed money, and you and your daughter as my captives!". said Larissa, looking at her new captive.
"Let me go!!! Now!!!", screamed the young Blake mother.
Instead of releasing the captive, Larissa shot more slime on her captive's mouth. "That will make you quiet, my captive!", she said, after shooting the slime.
"Hmmmmph...", moaned Beatriz, wrapped in the membrane and gagged by the slime.
"Take her away to the factory, Meghan!", said Larissa, ordering her daughter to take Beatriz somewhere else.
Arriving with Beatriz to the house's factory, Meghan put the captive inside a chocolate tank.
The thank had a washing system. The washer removed the membrane and it went through the drain.
"Time to start!", said Meghan, fiddling with the chocolate machine's controls. She pressed a button and warm liquid chocolate began pouring into the tank.
"Let me go!!! Please!!! Let me go!!!", yelled the Blake mother inside the tank.
Meghan ignored and sped up the liquid chocolate's entrance into the tank.
Soon, the tank was almost full, leaving only the woman's head. the rest of her body was immersed in chocolate.
"So, is she ready for deforming?", asked Larissa, coming into the factory.
"Need to form her first!", replied Meghan, before pressing another button on the machine's panel.
The button started some pressure plates that had a kind of pattern, a form.
The form approached and closed on Beatriz. And, freezing air came from some pipes inside the tank.
"Oops, forgot that we have to cool her down to solid temperature!", commented Larissa, seeing her daughter starting the freeze system on the machine.
One hour later, the freezing was complete, and the chocolate was rock solid, forbidding Beatriz from moving.
The homeowner then wrapped the chocolate woman in plastic from her feet, all the way to her mouth.
A sticker was placed on Beatriz' mouth, which had some text written. The text was "Frozen Delight | BK$39,99".
And that was Beatriz' fate, becoming a chocolate woman, as Larissa called the young mother...
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