Hambone profile
Author and creator of "The Deathworlders," a science fiction web serial in which the human race are visited by aliens only to discover that, far from being the underdogs surrounded by alien horrors, we may turn out to be the alien horrors ourselves...

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Dizi Rat

A tiny, explosively fragile purple ball of derp.

Thank you! All my subscribers have early access to Nested Worlds chapters a month in advance.

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Squishy Xeno

Fragile, but sapient

In addition to early access, you are invited to join my community Discord server!

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Friendly ET

till squishy, but a good friend regardless.

In addition to early access and a Discord invitation, I will occasionally invite you to vote on community polls.

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Now we're talking!

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Fuck yeah!

In addition to all previous rewards, at this level I will find a way to insert a detail of your choosing into the Nested Worlds, be it a name, a description, a ship, or just a private in-joke for your friends.

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Go on an incredible journey

You're insane. Don't pay me this much. I cannot offer you any more than I already have.

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  • https://deathworlders.com/
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The Nested Worlds chapter 15: "The Forsaken" (Early Access)

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2 subscribers
37 posts


Gotta start somewhere! If you're here, thank you very much for your support, and here's to a bright future!

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