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Gaia's Adventures
Gaia's Adventures
I am making a video game.
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Gaia's Adventures
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"Gaia Trying to Save the City and Kimiko (WIP)"

Trying to work out the bugs in this scene.

Gaia attempts to save the city from a nuclear warhead while thinking of Kimiko, since she's S+ Support with her in this playthrough.
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Gaia's Adventures
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"Iris" (Base Colors) 
Iris is one of the enemy generals in my game.
Basically, she has healing powers, so her guards are nigh invincible.

You can watch me drawing/coloring her here.
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Gaia's Adventures
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"Gaia's True Magic is Unlocked" (Chapter 1)

For my game's "Easy Mode":

All the player has to do is bond with Mia to "S Rank".

When Mia inevitably dies due to a snake bite at the end of Ch. 1,
Gaia will unlock her "Light of Salvation".

Although, this isn't really an "Easy Mode", more like a Chapter Skip,
the awakening of Gaia's True Magic is what kicks off the final chapters of the game,
and puts her on the Final Boss's radar in the first place.
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Gaia's Adventures
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"Gaia thinks of Kimiko while trying to save Hiroshima."

This scene is if Gaia has maxed affection towards Kimiko and tries to catch the Nuke.
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Gaia's Adventures
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"Kimiko in a Boat"

Kimiko invites Gaia out on a lake.

For Kimiko, it's a date, but for Gaia, it's Sunday.

Kimiko has Maxed Affection towards Gaia from the start, but Gaia's heart is closed after several millennia of Humanity's abuse.
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Gaia's Adventures
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"Gaia Fixes Kimiko's Eyes" (Pink Version)

In this version, the player scored a Perfect on the Quick Time Event to cure Kimiko's Blindness.

This plants the seed of Kimiko becoming the "Healing Goddess" instead of Gaia herself.
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