Art by Amber Lynne profile
Art by Amber Lynne
Art by Amber Lynne
I'm just an artist that is a nobody. I art because I enjoy it, and I hope you lot enjoy what I produce as well~
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Art by Amber Lynne
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Redrew one of my character designs... because I Felt she needed it. Really didn't like her face in the original, or the skin tone. 
Anyway, two years makes a hella big difference, apparently. Lol.
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Art by Amber Lynne

Here's one of my favourite things I'd done in 2022. I'm probably going to have this as a redraw e...

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Art by Amber Lynne

One of my favourite things I did in 2022. Posting it separately here because I have a timelapse f...

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Art by Amber Lynne
Public post
And lastly, for now, here's what I have done throughout 2022 that I am particularly happy with. ALL the characters featured are my own.
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Art by Amber Lynne

Chibi WiP!

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Art by Amber Lynne
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First Post here is gonna be this cheeb of my girl Rocky~
I've got more to come in the future! 

If you want to see WiPs, you'll need to sub.
All my content will be SFW! There may be some ecchi styled stuff in here, but it will all be SFW
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