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Art by Amber Lynne
Art by Amber Lynne
I'm just an artist that is a nobody. I art because I enjoy it, and I hope you lot enjoy what I produce as well~


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Art by Amber Lynne
Public post
Redrew one of my character designs... because I Felt she needed it. Really didn't like her face in the original, or the skin tone. 
Anyway, two years makes a hella big difference, apparently. Lol.
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Art by Amber Lynne

Original from 2020 and the redraw I"m doing now. It's just a sketch, so it's absolutely a wip, bu...

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Art by Amber Lynne
Public post
1 year Redraw. 
I plan on redrawing this every year, actually. Should be a good barometer for how my style and overall quality progresses =) 

I can't believe this is only 1 year (give or take a month or two) apart, either. 
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