2 videos or 1 audiobook per month, including the unreleased audiobook “Jews of Spain”. You will also receive advance copies of all newly produced media - both audio and video.
2 videos or 1 audiobook per month, including the unreleased audiobook “Jews of Spain”. You will also receive advance copies of all newly produced media - both audio and video.
2 videos or 1 audiobook per month, including the unreleased audiobook “Jews of Spain”. You will be given the choice to vote on which audio/video material should be produced in the near future.You will also receive a paperback copy of Dr. Neiman’s “Domestic Relations in Antiquity”, plus “Discovering Genesis” DVD published by the Biblical Archaeology Society in 2012. Funds will be used to re-publish Dr. Neiman’s “Book of Job” in both printed and audiobook formats. You will receive a full report on unpublished written works that are archived, and will decide which manuscript should be submitted for editing and publication in the future. The "Abraham" tier will be kept up to date on all steps of publication, and of course, will receive copies of all published works.