MakinLemonade profile
Creating Entertaining and Inspiring Food and Travel Videos
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USD mensal
Tier 1 - Motorhome

Welcome as our Subscribestar supporter!

By supporting us in this Tier you are giving us a thumbs up for our content and give us motivation to continue our videos.

Thumbs up right back to you.

With this Tier you will have access to Subscribestar-only updates where you will see extra pictures, videos and updates of our journey.

21 days
0 assinantes
USD mensal
Tier 2 - Kayak (The Booga)

You are so generous!!

By supporting us in this Tier you are putting fuel in our tank to get us to the locations where we are MakinLemonade

With this Tier you will also have Early Access to our videos. Be the First in the World to view our videos before they go public.

We are deeply grateful for your support and will motivate us to grow by entertaining and inspiring you.

0 assinantes
USD mensal
Tier 3 - Collapsible Boat

You are incredible!

With supporters such as yourself we can have the resources to apply our passion - which is MakinLemonade and bringing you with us on our journey.

Enjoy everything above PLUS:

Your name on the description of every video!

We will thank you officially in each YOUTUBE video description.

(you can remain anonymous if you prefer)

Your support is spectacular !!!

0 assinantes
USD mensal
Tier 4 - MakinLemonade

You are an absolute Legend

You're support goes a hell of a long way to keep us MakinLemonade.

You obviously appreciate the effort that goes into our creations and understand all the work that is involved in producing them.

We can't thank you enough for your support and your encouragement is what keeps us going to continue MakinLemonade.

All access Tiers included.

Your support is absolutely magnificent !!!!!

0 assinantes


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MORE WATERSLIDES, incredible! Join us for more exploring of Karijini - today down Weano Gorge to ...

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Our First Subscriber. Oh, and after that... World Domination. 🤣

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