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Math Easy Solutions
Math Easy Solutions
I mainly make math videos and research into developing true free energy Aether science and technology!


  • Be apart of what may very well be the only person in the world actively pursing true suppressed Aether free energy and anti-gravity science and technology in a rigid academically sound methodology.
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Math Easy Solutions
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Position Vector is Parallel to the Vector Between 2 Points

In this video I quickly review the vector between 2 points, which has a corresponding parallel vector from the origin called the position vector. 
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Math Easy Solutions
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Vector Basics: Vectors, Scalars, Addition, and Scalar Multiplication

In this video I go over a quick review of the basics of vector algebra, namely the definitions of vectors vs scalars, and their addition or multiplication. 

#math #science #education #STEM #vectors
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Math Easy Solutions
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Calculating 10^0.1 by Hand

In this video I go over how to manually calculate powers 10^0.1, 10^0.2, 10^0.3, ..., 10^0.9 by hand by first using the approximation 10^0.3 = 2.

#math #calculus #science #STEM #algebra
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