9/11 North Tower Spire Dustification by Trevor Evans. Featuring Dr. Judy Wood https://youtu.be/ivj_9TUvlCE
In this video I have added the footage of the North Tower core columns "Spire" turning to dust with the sound track made by Trevor Evans and that features voice over by Dr. Judy Wood. This is an epic sound track that goes great with the classified cold DEW technology demonstrated right before our eyes.
#911Truth #conspiracy #DEW #HutchisonEffect #Technology
In this video I have added the footage of the North Tower core columns "Spire" turning to dust with the sound track made by Trevor Evans and that features voice over by Dr. Judy Wood. This is an epic sound track that goes great with the classified cold DEW technology demonstrated right before our eyes.
#911Truth #conspiracy #DEW #HutchisonEffect #Technology