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2D/3D art, model, sculpt, texture, rig, animate. I do what I can, and try what I can't.
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Late World Development June - July Update

GAMERS! I have started to work on generic game set up to help make arcade development faster, Upgraded and fixed Ribbid Racing, and number of updates to the other games for syncing.

Assets: SharpShooter Arcade Cabinet, DuckHunt WIP, Racing Arcade Game WIP, Custom Shader for Arcade Cabinet for clearer title panels. HIGHSCORE TRACKING *you will have to contact me to update the global highscores though with proof.

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World Development May Update

Adding Mini-games, started the plans for the arcade to add more interactive segments. Racing Go-Karts, Mini-Golf(WIP), and soon you will be able to work there too, as a cook!

Assets: Custom Go-Kart Model & Track, Party themed Decorations, Pizza, Cake, Cooking Stations, Immersive Menu

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World Development April Update

Worked on The Arcade more and efficiency fixes

Assets: Various Neon Signs, Pipe Tunnel Maze, Cassette Tapes, New Vending Machine Art, and started work on an Air Hockey Table
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World Development February / March Update

Some work was done on the arcade games, still working on it but took a mental break to work on a Gym.
Arcade: Working on syncing issues with variants meant for multiplayer and local
Gym: experimenting on physics and playable games such as basket ball, soccer, volleyball, and dodge ball
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Murder Mystery Map February Update

Taking a break from coding to Model assets and working on the MM / Circus World.
Assets: Tents Sets, Fence Sets, Roller Coaster Set, Actor Cabins and Props, Cages.
Still working on map layout and other assets: Ferris Wheel, Merry go Round & other Classic rides, and misc arcade cabinets. 
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