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Saiyan Chan
Saiyan Chan
Information on how to stay safe while traveling, living, and dating in Colombia and abroad. Maximize your chances of successfully building a great life for yourself outside Western first world countries.
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Displaying posts with tag Safety.Reset Filter
Saiyan Chan
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The Complete Guide To Safe Travel Inside Colombia's Cities 

 If you have never traveled to Colombia before and are concerned about traveling safely after you arrive, this guide is for you. This video provides the exact steps you need to take to be connected to the internet from the moment you arrive, so that you can use safely use ride hailing apps and taxis, while communicating with your hotel or AirBnB host. We also review what to do for more uncommon situations such as during heavy rain, during periods of heavy demand for transportation, and after large events when you are competing with thousands of other people for rides.
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Saiyan Chan

Safety Course Update - Medellin Estrato Map

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Saiyan Chan
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Are Medellin Or Colombia Too Dangerous? How To Decide

There are three questions which every traveler and expat in Colombia should ask themselves before deciding to making Medellin or any other major city in Colombia, their home base. We also explore dealing with the reality that safety will always be an ever present concern while living in the major cities of Colombia.
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Saiyan Chan

Safety Episode 015 - Rappi Robbery Scam and Custos Security Guards

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Saiyan Chan
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Is Colombia Too Dangerous?  Thoughts On Safety

Are you concerned about overall safety and security in the relatively dangerous country of Colombia? If not, you should be! Here are my thoughts on life and danger in Colombia, and I hope that with this video you can better decide to what extent, if any, Colombia will be a part of your life.
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Saiyan Chan
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How To Stay Safe In Colombia - The Safety Course 

Thank you all for supporting me while I built out this course - I appreciate greatly!
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