Hi, I am making Warhammer 40K and Games Workshop related content with some awesome alternative table top games on the side, like Gaslands! Thank you for your support!The Emperor Protects!
I make videos of elevators in the Midwestern United States for a largely autistic audience, though I myself am not autistic. With a little extra money in my pocket, I can go and explore new areas and look for new and historic elevators. https://www.youtube.com/c/starcityelevators
I am an independent journalist dedicated to covering topics related to the far-left and hate crime hoaxes. Your support will allow me to continue what I'm doing, as well as to help cover security costs related to continuing threats from antifa. Please message me with any comments or questions.
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I mainly make math videos and research into developing true free energy Aether science and technology!
Be apart of what may very well be the only person in the world actively pursing true suppressed Aether free energy and anti-gravity science and technology in a rigid academically sound methodology.
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